Perpetual Bond

DenominationOn-chain (ASA)
Principal repaymentNot callable
Early repayment optionsNo
InterestVariable (Interest Oracle)
CouponsYes (Perpetual)
Time ScheduleFixed (Events, Periods)
Day-Count ConventionActual/Actual, Continuous
Primary DistributionDirect placement
Primary MarketPlaced at nominal value
Transfer AgentTrustless
Payment AgentTrustless
Secondary MarketYes
DefaultManual (Trustee)

Payment Agent

Payments are trustless (i.e., can be triggered by anyone), as long as payments' conditions are met (e.g., the payment is due).

A coupon payment cannot be executed until all the previous due coupons (if any) have been paid to all the investors.

Transfer Agent

D-ASA units cannot be transferred until all the pending due coupon payments for the sender and receiver (if any) have been executed.

Interest Rate

Updated by the interest oracle.

Interest rate cannot be updated until all the previous due coupons (if any) have been paid to all the investors.


Called manually by the trustee.