Early Repayment Options

Debt instruments could have early repayment options to repay the principal to investors (partially or totally) before maturity.

If the debt instrument has early repayment options, the D-ASA MUST implement the OPTIONAL set_early_repayment_time_events and early_repayment methods.

The early repayment options MAY repay the principal partially or totally.

The early repayment options MAY repay the principal to all or some Lenders.

In the case of an on-chain payment agent, the D-ASA MUST repay the principal to the Lander Payment Addresses.

In case of early repayment options, the D-ASA units associated with the early repaid principal MUST be removed from Lenders’ Accounts and circulation.

The implementation SHOULD manage:

  • The callability options;
  • The accrued interest.


Let’s have a D-ASA denominated in EUR, with a principal of 1M EUR and a minimum denomination of 1,000 EUR. The D-ASA originally had 1,000 total units in circulation. An early repayment of 500k EUR (equal to 500 units) is executed for some Lenders. The D-ASA now has 500 circulating units (worth 1,000 EUR each), while 500 early repaid units are removed from circulation.

Early Repayment Schedule

If the D-ASA has early repayment options, it MUST define early repayment time events as uint64[] array, where:

  • The length of the array MUST be N>=2;

  • The first element MUST be the early repayment start date (uint64): the time after which early repayment options could be executed;

  • The last element MUST be the early repayment end date (uint64): the time after which early repayment options cannot be executed.

The early repayment time events MUST be sorted in strictly ascending order.

The early repayment start date MUST NOT be earlier than the issuance date.

The early repayment end date MUST NOT be later than the maturity date.

The early repayment time events SHOULD be defined as UNIX time, in seconds.

If early repayment time events are defined in UNIX time with non-continuous day-count conventions (ID<255), the time periods between subsequent events MUST be multiples of a day, in seconds.

The early repayment time events MUST be set with the set_early_repayment_time_events method.

The early repayment time events MAY be updated with the set_early_repayment_time_events method.

The updated early repayment time events MUST NOT modify past events.